(403) 547-0016 sealproof@telus.net

Waterproofing in Calgary for Your Home or Business

Water damage to your foundation and basement is a serious issue. Turn to Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd for all types of waterproofing services in Calgary for new builds and renovations. We handle Foundation leak and crack repairs and where required, we retrofit older homes with Sump Pumps and an Internal Weeping Tile systems if required. No matter if you’re a residential, commercial, or industrial property owner, Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd., ensures a quality waterproofing service every time. We make sure that you’re water ingress concerns are remedied! Give us a call or email us today to discuss your waterproofing options. We can also provide you with a FREE Estimate within Calgary and including surrounding City Townships.


Water damage to your foundation can quickly become a costly problem.

Sump Pump Installations, Foundation Repairs and More in Calgary


Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd specializes in all types of residential, commercial, and industrial waterproofing, including sump pump installations, basement leak repairs and foundation repairs. We offer Calgary and the surrounding areas over three decades of combined experience in the following:

Protect your home from water damage with foundation repairs. We fix cracks and other problems to stop water from leaking into your home and causing serious damage. Our Polyurethane Grout and or our Two part Epoxy Resin structural repairs, focus on non-leaking cracks to ensure a water tight foundation and a dry Basement.
It’s not uncommon for parking garages or parkades to have leaks and water damage. That’s why we offer commercial and industrial leak repairs and waterproofing for underground parkades. We cater to high-rises, condos, and other large buildings.
Whether you have a finished or unfinished basement, leaks are a problem. Water entering your basement can damage the walls, your personal belongings, and more. Furthermore, moisture in your basement could lead to the development of mould. Turn to Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd for professional basement leak repairs.
Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd retrofits old buildings with internal weeping tile systems. For example, a 50-year-old home might have water coming in through the floor because a weeping tile system may not have been built during the building’s original construction, or, if one is present, age has damaged it. We can put in a brand new system by opening up the floor and running the weeping tile around the outside into a sump pump.

Retrofitting services are usually required for an existing dwelling when water seepage is found throughout rather in just one area.

Installing a sump pump into the Basement of your home, can solve most Hydro-static water (Water Table) issues, that can occur naturally below the concrete floor slab, internal weeping tile systems may also be required, as an addition to the sump pump, depending upon the age of the dwelling. The Sump Pump is designed to remove water from below the floor slab and crawlspaces. Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd can install your sump pump which would allow excess groundwater to channel into the sump pit and be discharged from there. Sump pumps only turn on when the water inside the pump liner reaches a pre-determined level. This helps you save on your monthly energy bill while protecting your home from water damage.
Joint repair, caulking, and similar services are available through Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd. Ask us for details.

We do our best to assess the situation and provide the best solution for you.

We offer Calgary and surrounding areas over Three Decades of combined Experience!

Promotions & Special Offers

Foundation Repairs

Foundation repairs offered for the building’s lifetime.

(Void if repair attempts were made to fix or alter the problem by DIY methods or another party.)

Transferable Warranty

Our transferable warranty refers the homeowner’s ability to transfer the warranty to the new homeowner if the house we provided waterproofing services for is sold. The warranty is based on the structure of the home, not the owner.

Contact Us for Your Waterproofing Needs

Call Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd to protect your home or business from cracked foundations and leaky basements. You can trust our contractors to steer you towards the service that’s right for your situation. We approach each problem with a careful, step-by-step program to diagnose the issue and offer a clear-cut solution that’s competitively priced.

Whether you require a routine foundation leak repair or need internal weeping tile systems installed in your older home, Seal-Proof Contracting Ltd is here to help. Request a quote today!

Email Us

Do you have questions about your foundation or basement? Would you like to leave feedback about your experience with our business? Send us an email.

Just fill out our eform with your name, contact information, and comments. We will respond as soon as possible.

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Contact Us



T: 403-547-0016

F: 403-547-4288

E: sealproof@telus.net


Monday – Sunday 08:00 AM – 04:30 PM

Service Area

We serve Calgary and the surrounding areas. We’ve worked in BC in the past with additional travel fee.


Professional Affiliations

Click for the BBB Business Review of this Foundation Contractors in Calgary AB